
Friday, April 13, 2018

NaPoWriMo 2018-13 -- Day 13, a Poem with more figures of speech

Books never written

Dying of exhaustion
A good night's sleep will cure
Laughter good medicine
Bones sobbing like jelly

Living memories dead
Best of annihilations
Books never written fall
Feathers of inked paper

Next time best cry instead 
Sympathy medicine 

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 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2018, All Rights Reserved 
 -  I'm writing forat the Imaginary Garden with Real Toads, April 13 – 13 Is Poetry,

  - I'm also linked to 
Day Thirteen of NaPoWriMo, If you click on 'PARTICIPANTS SITES' link at the top of their page you can read the poems submitted by other bloggers.



  1. The thought of books never written always fill me with a world so sadness. And then those feathers, heavy with ink, falling... *sigh*

  2. books never written - makes me think that many people waste their time - we have too many distractions

  3. ..."Bones sobbing like jelly..." I love this line. May books always be written!
