
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Wordless Wednesday #085 — Have a blessed and merry Christmas! Mrs. Jim has our house ready for Christmas!

Wordless Participants
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  1. Jim's Little Blog has the same pictures with narratives concerning each.

    I'm pasting them here.

    Top picture: We bought this nativity set in Bethlehem, Israel, in 1980. There are many more pieces but these we have had out all year long and just didn't get the rest out this year.

    Mrs. Jim had given the angel to our friend who died of cancer this year. It was returned to us after her death.

    Middle picture: Our prelit tree is in its third year now. One strand of lights did not work and we could not find the trouble. My suggestion, buy a $1.49 set of 50 lights at Michael's and put them over the nonworking lights. Then another string went out, Mrs. Jim put a string she had here over them.

    Mrs. Jim has always had an angel at the top of her trees all the time we have been married. We may have had this angel for those 35 years, perhaps not quite that many. She decorated it basically with a gold motif this year, it is pretty in the daytime also. (Hint, I would super size it if I were you.)

    Tonight there are packages under the tree but I did not take a new picture for that. Most are red or red with figures, a few are versions of green. I think I saw a gold one.

    Bottom picture: and me. The red on the lower left is a poinsettia that a friend gave Mrs. Jim. We got another one tonight at the church. The preacher said they are fire hazzard (fire department said) so we would be a big help if every family took one home.

    Again, each of you I am wishing a blessed and merry Christmas.

    You could go there and look at the pictures as you read about them.

  2. A friendly Christmas greeting to wish you and your family happiness at this special time of the year.
    Merry Christmas

  3. Happy Holidays! Nice place you got there. Happy WW. :-)

  4. Jim, your home is beautiful. I hope you all are having a very, very merry Christmas. I'm just about to start our brunch when some of our kids and some friends will be here. Then we will go up to our daughter's house in Graham, Texas, for our meal.

    It has been a blessing to get to know you. Please wish Mrs. Jim a happy Christmas, as well.

  5. Your home is pretty.

    May you and yours have a very Merry Christmas Jim. Big hug. :)

  6. Your home looks very beautiful and festive.
