Sunday, August 09, 2009

One Single Impression: Ocean

This is my first attempt at writing prose poems. It is harder than I thought and I need to study some more about them. I did want to post my water episodes at this time. What you see is what you get (for now). Sorry.

(Jim wading on the beach at Saint John, U.S. Virgin Islands—listen to the water)

Ocean Hopping
Watery Visits of Mr. Bod and Little Pinky Toe

I don't know what it would be
not to have experienced the ocean.
As a child growing up
I could only read about it in a book.
Now I've been in most of them,
where that in means swimming,
at least my Pinkie Toe has been there.
Body too went along, some to places
where the Toe never touched or dipped.

Do you need a report from that Pinkie Toe? He's been to the Oceans Atlantic and the Pacific, the Indian and the Arctic. Missing from these Pinkie Toe traverses is the Ocean Southern. He's about to fix that. Matter of fact he would like stick the little Pinkie end right into those icy waters and onto the ice at the South Pole.

The mystical visits of Mr. Bod,
wistfully looked upon by Pinkie Toe,
and very seldom dipped by the latter,
have been to most of the seas of the world.
All the major seas such as,
Arabian Sea,
Baltic Sea,
Bering Sea,
Black Sea,
Caribbean Sea,
East China Sea,
Gulf of Mexico,
Hudson Bay,
Mediterranean Sea,
Red Sea, and
South China Sea.
Little Pinkie Toe, you will have to Google
the ones you can't remember.

Little Pinkie Toe thinks shoes are for the birds. Flip flops are the object of lustful sinning voyeurs. For sure he will holler loudly through his bunion if he misses these three; the Andaman Sea, the Sea of Japan, and the Sea of Okhotsk.

Both Pinkie Toe and funny Mr. Bod
have visited the Sea of Galilee
and the Dead Sea. Neither wanted
to dig around in the muck
at the bottom of the latter.

Bones and ashes down there lie,

That's according to our Good Book.
Our tour guide thought they were,
was this a majority of one?

Notes: Largest oceans and seas list by size link
(In=swimming by Mr. Bod)
(In=dipping by Pinkie Toe)
(To=visiting by sail or bus or car or foot)

Copyright © 2009 Jimmiehov. All Rights Reserved

Find more poems at One Single Impression
"Oceans" as prompt,
suggested by F.P. of
Sweetest in the Gale

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At Monday, August 10, 2009 12:18:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

beautiful thoughts..

my hands are itiching to write that prompt..but i have planned to do it tomorrow..


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